Life Happens
Have you ever had grand plans to accomplish something or even just make progress, when life stepped in with the unexpected? That happened here this past week. Eliza and I were scheduled to write our third and final blog together - and life happened - for both of us.
If you haven’t been following along, I have been sharing my keyboard with my dear friend, Eliza Stewart. We have been sharing the twists and turns of our story together. You can read the beginning of our relationship in Eliza’s words and in mine. Today was supposed to be the final part of our story of grace and forgiveness and hope and connection. I promise - that story is coming.
This week, life’s little surprises got in our way. We are both okay, just dealing with some challenges we didn’t expect. And I imagine you can relate, can’t you? You have faced the unexpected, probably in big and small ways. Life happens to all of us. We can choose to face those situations and move forward. Or we can choose to beat ourselves up for not getting it all done, or maybe even push ourselves to do all the things. I have chosen to beat myself up or overwork too many times. You probably have too. So today, let’s choose together to give ourselves grace. When life happens, take a deep breath and a step forward. We can do hard things.
See you next week.
This image is from my favorite tool for taking deep breaths and finding calm in my busy head. I have been meditating and practicing mindfulness for three and a half years. I deeply recommend it. Try the calm app for free.